Controlling HTML5 Audio on Mobile Devices

by Spike Ilacqua

(This originally appeared on Spike's Stuff And Things blog)

HTML5 <audio> tags is pretty straight forward. Given:

<audio id="player"></audio>

this bit of Javascript:

player = document.getElementById('player');
player.src = 'some-audio-file-url';

will start playing whatever the src points to. (Pro-tip: If you are using jQuery, you need get the actual HTML element with player = $('#player')[0] or player = $('#player').get(0))

However, if the user is on either an iOS or Android mobile device, the above won't actually play anything. Neither of those OSs allow web audio (or video) to start streaming without user interaction. The rational is that streaming data over the cellular network can cost money and shouldn't happen without the user actually hitting a button.

All well and good, but what if you want to play a sound in response to an event, say beep the browser once per minute:

player = document.getElementById('player');
player.src = 'beep-url';
beeper = setInterval(function() {; } ,1000 * 60);

This will work fine in desktop browsers, but on mobile the call to play() will do nothing.

Fortunately, there are three things that make the work-around simple:

  1. The user only has to push play once per audio element.
  2. "Pushing play" can also mean triggering play() through a click event.
  3. Playing an audio element with no source is a legal no-op.

In short, all we need is for the user to click a button that plays an empty audio element to gain control of it:

<audio id="player"></audio>
<button id="ok">OK to beep</button>
// Presumes jQuery
$("#ok").click(function() {
    player = document.getElementById('player');
    $( this ).slideUp();; // Play the empty element to get control
    player.src = 'beep-url'; // Set the real audio source
    beeper = setInterval(function() {; } ,1000 * 60);

The click can be anything, a more subtle version would be attaching it to the close button an instruction modal at the start of a game.

This technique probably blurs the line a bit between the spirit and the letter of the law, but it gets the job done and allows you to create a consistent experience for both desktop and mobile users.